
From Curse of Aros
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Mummy m.gif
Melee XP25000
Gold??? gold
Attack speed1.5 second(s)
Respawn timeWhen summoned using Ankh Key. second(s)
FoundIn The Tomb of Shadowdune located in the North West of Shadowdune


The Mummy spawns with 4 Cursed Totems that keep healing it until destroyed.

The Mummy has 3 main attacks:

• Normal melee attack that deals heavy damage and applies curse debuff for 8 ticks.

• Mummy spawns Poltergeists that rapidly attack you and spawns one more for every Cursed Totem you destroyed.

• Mummy spawns curse pools deal 4k on impact and 2k over time for 8 ticks and it can reset if you got hit by mummy or curse pool

  Curse damage calculation: 2000 + 2 × (seconds-1)% per second 
   1st tick : 2000      2nd tick : 2040
   3rd tick : 2081      4th tick : 2122
   5th tick : 2165      6th tick : 2208
   7th tick : 2252      8th tick : 2297

When the Mummy gets defeated, you get healed to full HP and the Curse debuff will be removed.


Can drop 5-6 Items on death


Item Quantity Rarity
Health Flask m.png Health Flask???Common
Flask of Life m.png Flask of Life???Common
Cursed Relic m.png Cursed Relic20-200Uncommon
Red Key m.png Red Key1Uncommon
Gold Key m.png Gold Key1Uncommon
Gold Bar m.png Gold Bar1Uncommon


Item Quantity Rarity
Scroll of Vitality m.png Scroll of Vitality???Common


Item Quantity Rarity
Mythan Spade m.png Mythan Spade1Uncommon
Elder Cursed Staff m.png Elder Cursed Staff1Uncommon
Ancient Spade m.png Ancient Spade1Rare


Item Quantity Rarity
Ancient Tablet m.png Ancient Tablet1-50Uncommon
Ancient Reel m.png Ancient Reel1Very rare

Tertiary Drop

This can be obtained as an extra item roll rarely from all monsters. They will only drop if the monster is near your level (bosses not included)

Item Quantity Rarity
Candy m.png Candy1Very rare
Lollipop m.png Lollipop1Very rare

Crafted with

This monster drops Gold Keys that can be used on the Gold Chest. Some contents of the Gold Chest can be made into a level 95 armor. This can be done with a Smithing level of 85+. The Ancient Rod Requires level 85

Warning: Some items from this set are untradable when crafted!! The tradeable items are Ancient Scimitar, Ancient Shield, Ancient Pickaxe, Ancient Axe, Ancient Rod, and the Ancient Spade.

Level Equipment Items required XP for forging Sells for
95 Ancient Scimitar m.png Ancient Scimitar 5xMummy Bandage m.png Mummy Bandages 45xGolden Thread m.png Golden Threads 15xSapphire m.png Sapphires 10xGold Bar m.png Gold Bars 30xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 65,000 180,000
95 Ancient Pickaxe m.png Ancient Pickaxe 1xAncient Handle m.png Ancient Handle 5xGolden Thread m.png Golden Threads 2xSapphire m.png Sapphires 3xGold Bar m.png Gold Bars 2xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 60,000 126,000
95 Ancient Axe m.png Ancient Axe 1xAncient Handle m.png Ancient Handle 5xGolden Thread m.png Golden Threads 2xSapphire m.png Sapphires 3xGold Bar m.png Gold Bars 2xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 60,000 126,000
95 Ancient Rod m.png Ancient Rod 1xAncient Reel m.png Ancient Reel 1xPalm Wood m.png Palm Wood 30,000 450,000
95 Ancient Gauntlets m.png Ancient Gauntlets 3xMummy Bandage m.png Mummy Bandages 30xGolden Thread m.png Golden Threads 7xSapphire m.png Sapphires 5xGold Bar m.png Gold Bars 20xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 55,000 120,000
95 Soulgazer S1 m.png Soulgazer S1 5xMummy Bandage m.png Mummy Bandages 45xGolden Thread m.png Golden Threads 15xSapphire m.png Sapphires 10xGold Bar m.png Gold Bars 35xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 60,000 115,500
95 Soulgazer S2 m.png Soulgazer S2 1xSoulgazer S1 m.png Soulgazer S1 15xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 5,000 115,500
95 Soulgazer S3 m.png Soulgazer S3 1xSoulgazer S2 m.png Soulgazer S2 30xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 10,000 115,500
95 Soulgazer S4 m.png Soulgazer S4 1xSoulgazer S3 m.png Soulgazer S3 60xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 15,000 115,500
95 Desert Platebody m.png Ancient Platebody 5xMummy Bandage m.png Mummy Bandages 50xGolden Thread m.png Golden Threads 15xSapphire m.png Sapphires 10xGold Bar m.png Gold Bars 30xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 65,000 156,000
95 Ancient Platelegs m.png Ancient Platelegs 4xMummy Bandage m.png Mummy Bandages 40xGolden Thread m.png Golden Threads 10xSapphire m.png Sapphires 7xGold Bar m.png Gold Bars 25xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 60,000 156,000
95 Ancient Boots m.png Ancient Boots 3xMummy Bandage m.png Mummy Bandages 30xGolden Thread m.png Golden Threads 7xSapphire m.png Sapphires 5xGold Bar m.png Gold Bars 20xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 55,000 82,500
95 Ancient Shield m.png Ancient Shield 5xMummy Bandage m.png Mummy Bandages 45xGolden Thread m.png Golden Threads 15xSapphire m.png Sapphires 10xGold Bar m.png Gold Bars 30xCollected Soul m.png Collected Souls 65,000 60,000