Baby Seedling

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Baby Seedling
Baby Seedling m.gif
Melee XPN/A
Magic XP42
Ranged XPN/A
Gold10 gold
Attack speed? second(s)
Respawn time7 second(s)
FoundIn Nature Dungeon

Baby Seedlings are level 10 creatures that are found in the back part of the Nature Dungeon in groups of up to seven.


Item Quantity Rarity
Potion m.png Potion1Common
Magic Essence m.png Magic Essence1-7Common
Anti-Poison Serum m.png Anti-Poison Serum1Uncommon
Relic of Nature m.png Relic of Nature1-2Uncommon
Book m.png Book1-2Uncommon


Item Quantity Rarity
Seedy m.png Seedy1Very rare

Tertiary Drop

This can be obtained as an extra item roll rarely from all monsters. They will only drop if the monster is near your level (bosses not included)

Item Quantity Rarity
Candy m.png Candy1Rare
Lollipop m.png Lollipop1Rare